donderdag 11 oktober 2012

Check if Sharepoint Richt Text Editor Field is empty or not (works in IE, Firefox and Chrome)

Found out this week that the code for checking the content of a multi-line rich text field was 
not working for other than IE-browsers.
So after some debugging in Chrome I found a solution that works in Chrome and in Firefox.
I hope that it's also working in other browsers... but I don't have them to my position at work.
Have fun with my new code... 

 firefox/chrome bugfix...
    var scomments = "";
    if ($.browser.msie) 
  // IE browser, check on language needed because Sharepoint and IE Translates the IFrame name in different languages.   
  if (_spPageContextInfo.currentLanguage == 1036) 
            var systemDescriptionRTE = $("textarea[title='Comments']").closest("span").find("iframe[Title='Éditeur de texte enrichi']").contents().find("body");
            scomments = $(systemDescriptionRTE).text();
            if (_spPageContextInfo.currentLanguage == 1043) 
                var systemDescriptionRTE = $("textarea[title='Comments']").closest("span").find("iframe[Title='RTF-editor']").contents().find("body");
                scomments = $(systemDescriptionRTE).text();
                var systemDescriptionRTE = $("textarea[title='Comments']").closest("span").find("iframe[Title='Rich Text Editor']").contents().find("body");
                scomments = $(systemDescriptionRTE).text();
 // if other browser
        var systemDescriptionRTETextArea = $("textarea[Title='Comments']"); 
        scomments = $(systemDescriptionRTETextArea).val(); 

Now you can check with the 'scomments' variable is it is empty or containing some values.

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