Found out this week that the code for checking the content of a multi-line rich text field was
not working for other than IE-browsers.
So after some debugging in Chrome I found a solution that works in Chrome and in Firefox.
I hope that it's also working in other browsers... but I don't have them to my position at work.
Have fun with my new code...
firefox/chrome bugfix...
var scomments = "";
if ($.browser.msie)
// IE browser, check on language needed because Sharepoint and IE Translates the IFrame name in different languages.
if (_spPageContextInfo.currentLanguage == 1036)
var systemDescriptionRTE = $("textarea[title='Comments']").closest("span").find("iframe[Title='Éditeur de texte enrichi']").contents().find("body");
scomments = $(systemDescriptionRTE).text();
if (_spPageContextInfo.currentLanguage == 1043)
var systemDescriptionRTE = $("textarea[title='Comments']").closest("span").find("iframe[Title='RTF-editor']").contents().find("body");
scomments = $(systemDescriptionRTE).text();
var systemDescriptionRTE = $("textarea[title='Comments']").closest("span").find("iframe[Title='Rich Text Editor']").contents().find("body");
scomments = $(systemDescriptionRTE).text();
// if other browser
var systemDescriptionRTETextArea = $("textarea[Title='Comments']");
scomments = $(systemDescriptionRTETextArea).val();
Now you can check with the 'scomments' variable is it is empty or containing some values.